Breathing is a bridge between our external and internal environments. Through breath, the air around us is drawn deep inside our lungs, where it is processed and circulated before returning to the outside world.
In a continuous stream, one breath is freed to make room for another. In this natural cycle, expiration is associated with relaxation and a sense of well-being. Clearly, in terms such as "breathed a sigh of relief" and "breathe easily."
Breathing gives us constant feedback that reflects all aspects of our being. Let's continue our breathing intelligence by observing the exhalation process. With understanding, we can lengthen and cultivate its calming effects on our body, mind, and spirit. Watch for expiration through the bridge, and enter a space of stillness deep inside. Here is a practice to help consciously influence breathing.
Practice: After inhaling and exhaling
Sit back while sitting or lying down. Invite every part of yourself to relax as fully as possible. Give yourself two minutes to watch this process. Pay attention to any sensations of softening or letting go—a smile.
Start to watch your breath. Watch your breath go through your body. Enjoy the movement. Gently bring your awareness of your abdomen. Watch it rise with inhalation and fall with exhalation. Can you feel the continuous wave-like flow of your breath deep inside?
Without changing anything, draw your attention to the exhale and let go of the sensations. Gently inhale and exhale. Allow your awareness to slide down as you exhale. Feel how your belly reclines, how your breath will be released. Feel how your stomach expands with each new breath.
How do you feel that you are ready, very slowly extend the exhale? Stay in your sense of comfort. Without effort, exhaling relaxes every cell in your body. Return to the regular breathing pattern whenever you feel the need. Each breath is smooth and even. Enjoy the exhale.
There is space at the bottom of the exhale. Rest briefly in this space. Relax in pauses between breaths. Trust inhalation. He will find his way to you. Get a breath. Follow along exhale into the sacred space deep inside. You are safe. Inhale and exhale this space and allow it to expand. Be in this sanctuary. Be free to let go of everything. Release with an exhale.
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